friends and being entertained by the homophile organizations in most of the large cities visited.
"I was very much interested in the composition of our group, which represented six states. Not anyone came close to being a real stereotype among us. All seemed to be happily located vocationally and reasonably successful. Many professions were represented: a doctor, a lawyer, several educators, a retired federal government employee, a CPA, a physiotherapist, a restaurant owner, a store manager, an artist, a machinist, a railroad man, to name a few. There were two couples in the group, one of them having been together for 18 years.
"I think we made up as friendly and compatible a group as might be found anywhere, and as usual, with a gay group in which there are no pretenses and status to guard, there was much gay repartee and joking revelry.
"It was a wonderful trip and I am tremendously grateful for having been able to participate in it."
The Colorado member wrote: "The trip was an unforgettable and lovely experience in sightseeing, shopping,
and most of all, the fun of delightful companionship."
Said a California member, "Although it was my fourth trip to Europe, the ONE tour was a new experience. Getting acquainted with the varied personalities within our own group was fascinating. The hospitality extended us by our European friends will be difficult to repay. It was warm and sincere as well as being filled with fun and gaiety. I thank ONE for sponsoring such a successful tour."
Said another member from California, "I found ONE's European tour to be both instructive and entertaining. It was very well organized and directed and was further enhanced by a close association with the people of every country we visited, thanks to the contacts and planning which ONE was able to provide. Though I have been to Europe before, the price of this tour was too reasonable to pass up. It was a tremendous bargain, with accommodations and arrangements comparable to tours which sell for twice the amount."
C. T.
SEX AND THE MATURE MAN by Louis P. Saxe, M. D. and Noel B. Gerson, New York, Gilbert Press, Inc., 1964, 256 pp., $5.95.
This book might just as well be called Mental Hygiene of the Mature Man as it is a very practical and downto-earth account of most of the mental ills, tears, weaknesses, maladjustments, both real and mythical, and general frustrations, that the mature man is subject to. Written principally by a well-trained and experienced psychiatrist, in its concrete and specific handling of problems, it almost seems to be a personal counselling directed toward the reader. In harmony with the belief of the late psychologist, G. Stan-